16:01 < Michela_RIPENCC> Hi everyone, I'm Michela from the RIPE NCC. If you have questions/comments for the presenter and want me to read it out, please state your name/affiliation and I'll go to the mic when questions are called for. Keep in mind that there is up to a 45 second delay for remote participants, so it's better to get your questions in before the question period begins.
16:02 < Michela_RIPENCC> Danilo Giordano has begun the presentation "Five Years at the Edge".
16:15 < Michela_RIPENCC> Danilo Giordano has asked for questions
16:16 < Michela_RIPENCC> The presentation has ended.
16:16 < Michela_RIPENCC> Massimo Candela has begun the presentation "Dissecting the Speed-of-Internet of the Middle East".
16:26 < Michela_RIPENCC> Massimo has asked for questions
16:33 < Michela_RIPENCC> The presentation has ended
16:33 < Michela_RIPENCC> Te-Yuan Huang has begun the presentation "Buffer Sizing Observations at Netflix".
16:44 < Michela_RIPENCC> Te-Yuan has asked for questions
16:46 < Michela_RIPENCC> The presentation has ended
16:46 < Michela_RIPENCC> Katarzyna Wasielewska has begun the presentation “Available Bandwidth Estimation Problem - Network Calculus in Practice”
16:58 < Michela_RIPENCC> Katarzyna has asked for questions
16:58 < Michela_RIPENCC> The presentation has ended
16:58 < Michela_RIPENCC> Jari Arkko has begun the presentation “Measurements in the Era of Encryption”
17:07 < Michela_RIPENCC> Jari has asked for questions
17:10 < Michela_RIPENCC> The presentation has ended
17:10 < Michela_RIPENCC> Chris Amin has begun the presentation “RIPE NCC Tools Update”
17:19 < Michela_RIPENCC> Chris has asked for questions
17:25 < Michela_RIPENCC> The presentation has ended
17:26 < Michela_RIPENCC> This session has now ended.