Measurements and Tools Working Group Agenda

Thursday, 23 May 16:00 - 17:30

1. Introduction [5 min]
Welcome, Scribe, Jabber, Agenda, Minutes
2. Five Years at the Edge [15 min]
Danilo Giordano, Polytechnic University of Turin
3. Dissecting the Speed-of-Internet of the Middle East [15 min]
Massimo Candela, NTT Communications
4. Buffer Sizing Observations at Netflix [15 min]
Te-Yuan Huang, Netflix
5. Available Bandwidth Estimation Problem - Network Calculus in Practice [15 min]
Katarzyna Wasielewska, State University of Applied Sciences in Elblag
6. Measurements in the Era of Encryption: Case QUIC Spin Bit [15 min]
Jari Arkko, Brian Trammel, IETF QUIC WG
7. RIPE NCC Tools Update [10 min]
Chris Amin, RIPE NCC
8. AOB